
    Aeolthelwen Shadowsong | > General Info | Crafting | Skills | Reputation | PVP | Pets | Bags | Bank | Quests | Blog | Rapid Raid Quick Select:

    Guild Specific Info

    Your guild currently has no custom roster columns defined.

    General Info

    Trade Skills:

    Character Skills:

    Keys and Attunments:

    Gruul's lair
    Maghteridon's lair
    All heroics
    The eye, TK
    Serpentshrine Caverns


    Character Bio:

    A follower of the ways of Nature.

    Son of Maiev Shadowsong.

    Helping his mother with killing Illidan and wanting Vashj and Kael'thas death.
    No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em